Friday, April 3, 2020

India Lock Down Day -10 Covid 19

Day 10 of #IndiaLockDown

Day 1 of my logging

  1. Too much confusion due to lack of transparency among common man.
  2. Chaos and fear is increasing with the number of deaths that are reported every day from around the world.
  3. As of this time (03/Apr/2020 19:36 IST) while I am documenting this blog, count is 763,103 active cases, 222,240 recoveries that is 80.11% and 55,185 (19.89%) people lost in this battle for survival. This is across the world
  4. In India as of today, this time we are looking at 2567 total cases. We have 2303 active cases, 192 (7.4795%) recoveries and 72 (2.8048%) lives lost. Source -
  5. Question that does bog me is, WHAT is Covid-19, HOW is it spreading so fast though measures are taken to control it, WHEN did it break out? WHERE is the actual epicenter?

WHAT is Covid 19? - Well, there is an answer which says it is from CoronaVirus, rumor has it that the virus started from a Wet market in Wuhan, China. But, many unanswered questions are left hanging as to how now and not before? Source - Open source

WHERE - As mentioned above the first case was reported in December 2019, in China by a medical expert and then the virus was carried by people from China to the rest of the world. Every country (155+) that is fighting this virus has its financial capital, most visited tourist places in the country and other major cities affected and struggling to save its citizens. Source - Open source

Interestingly, Wuhan, the sprawling capital of Central China’s Hubei province, is a commercial center with a population of 1.11 crores (2018), is the only city that is hit by the virus, no other known cases from any other city in the communist country. So, is it safe to say China hid the outbreak and delayed in reporting the pandemic to the world. Source - Open source

WHEN - Coronavirus was first discovered in the 1930's. was known to be infecting animals and did not have a record history of infecting Homo Sapiens. The first case of human attack by the corona virus is recorded for 2002-2004 as SARS (Shunde - China), in 2012, 2015 and 2018 as MERS (Jeddah - Saudi Arabia) and the latest in 2019-2020 as Covid-19 (Wuhan - China). Source - Open source
SARS, MERS or COVID-19 are related to respiratory infections. Source -

HOW - COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person in respiratory droplets from someone who is infected. People who are infected often have symptoms of illness. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread viruses.

As of 03/Apr/2020, almost all super powers are under lock down, the world economy is at the brink of breaking down and rendering countless number of people jobless. Source - Open source

The only country that seems to be able to stand up as of now is China, they have started manufacturing the cost effective items that they are known for. Source - Open source

I am sure that there are many types of update with regard to the Covid-19, its origin, its path of destruction and much more.

I have started to document the same in my blog due to the fact that as the dust settles and the world is coming back to normal, a lot of details will be deleted and any traces will be erased.

It is an attempt made by 1 person to document as much as possible.

Hope to see you guys on the other side of this battle.

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