Saturday, April 4, 2020


Covid 19 and WHO

The date is 04/April/2020 while I am starting to write this blog. 

Before I start looking into the WHO and Covid 19 connection, let me introduce you to WHO. 

World Health Organization 
  • a specialized function of the United Nations, with the responsibility of public health on Earth, what we call our home in the milky way galaxy.

What is WHO’s deliverable or responsibility?
  • The WHO's broad mandate includes advocating for universal healthcare, monitoring public health risks, coordinating responses to health emergencies, and promoting human health and well being. It provides technical assistance to countries, sets international health standards and guidelines, and collects data on global health issues through the World Health Survey. Its flagship publication, the World Health Report, provides expert assessments of global health topics and health statistics on all nations. The WHO also serves as a forum for summits and discussions on health issues.

WHO is the sitting Director - General of WHO
  • Director general of WHO is the person who has the right to decide, pass any recommendations or changes.
  • The term is for 5 years, the person who heads the committee is selected by the WHA (World Health Assembly).
  • The current Director General of WHO is Dr. Tedros Adhanom and was appointed on 01/July/2017.

I am not going to talk much about WHO or WHA, as the details are available on open forum, wikipedia is where I have sourced all of the information used above.
Before I show how the WHO and Covid 19 are playing, I would like to introduce Dr. Tedros Adhanom.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom
  • Well Tedros is not certified as a medical practitioner, but received a PhD  in community health from University of Nottingham in 2000. Hence the title as Doctor.
  • Tedros is the first person from a non-medical background to head the WHO.
  • Emergence of Tedros Adhanom
  • Born in Ethiopia on 3/Mar/1965, graduated from University of Asmara in 1986 and joined the ‘Ministry of Health’ as malaria researcher. 
  • Tedros was a contributor towards health reforms, hiring and training of health extension workers, cutting the infant mortality and hiring of health cadres including doctors and midwives.
  • Tedros moved on to Chair, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for a two-year term in July 2009. He served at this Chair till May 2012.
  • Tedros served as Ethiopia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2012 till 2016.
  • He is currently overseeing the world’s management of Covid 19 that originated from Wuhan, China. Source -

  • Controversies surrounding Tedros
  • It is believed that Tedros as Health minister and as minister for foreign affairs tried to cover-up epidemics in his home country.
  • One of the confirmed cases was during the election of WHO director general. An outbreak was reported in April 2006 for cholera after heavy rains in Ethiopia.
  • Neighbouring countries namely Somalia, Kenya and Uganda also reported infection with the number of deaths ranging into few 100s. Source -
  • The outbreak was suppressed in the media as the country may have economic loss if the epidemic is announced, though the UN suspected that the infection came to Ethiopia from Sudan.
  • The claim has been that during the tenure of Tedros, there have been several instances of cover-up of infection in Ethiopia, if not the country may have taken an economic loss due to restrictions in international trade and tourism.
  • Tedros has come out to be a great defender for China since the outbreak was announced earlier this year.
  • China, a major investor in Ethiopia for over a decade now.
  • China has been pumping billions of dollars into Ethiopian economy, it is safe to say that without China the country will crumble.
  • China has its money invested in Ethiopia’s every big project, would it be another way China tries to acquire land outside China by debt burden?
  • Just out of the gate as the director general, Tedros appointed the then dictator of Zimbabwe as WHO goodwill ambassador. 
  • Fight against Ebola in Congo was marred with allegations of misspending of funds from WHO.
  • WHO also initiated a self investigation against allegations of racism, sexism and deep corruption in WHO were made public through a series of anonymous emails to The Associated Press.
  • The statement released by WHO, self-praised Tedors for his “championed openness, transparency and diversity" since becoming WHO's chief.
  • With COVID 19, the experts at WHO believe that the world may have missed a critical window to halt the pandemic or mitigate its virulence.
  • Tedros has been all praises about how China (Xi) has got the situation under control and led the fight against this virus. However, the officials are not able to point out the actions taken to control, as China has been holding on to information from the rest of the world but few leaders at WHO have nothing but praises for Xi Jingpin. Source -
  • COVID 19 and Cover-up
  • Well we know from the media that the visur was in a bat that was consumed by a human and then it spread like wildfire.
  • Few other stories around the virus is also available, the links for the theories are as follows, and


  • There are stories and theories about COVID, Tedros, WHO and CHINA.
  • What is fact and what is fiction? I do not have the resources to verify or reach out to.
  • In my opinion when I look at the situation, it is scary, safe to say very scary as of now.
  • Connecting the dots, like no other city or province in China was infected, all financial capitals of the country are once infected the most.
  • Countries working closely with China are not able to cope well but in their casualty numbers speak a story that is unreal when you look at their situation, their medical facilities and their operability.
  • Chinese cellular companies claim that they have seen a slump in the number of subscribers, the number wanders into a few millions. Source -
  • Where did these millions of subscribers go? Did they switch to wifi usage, but the wireless carriers reporting a drop as well (source -
  • Did these people have multiple connections, so terminate one and use only one? If yes, how come that these many customers decide to do the same in just a matter of a few months?
  • WHO is standing guard to China during this period, but has no substantial report of its own but relying on the information released from Chinese government media, how can this be?
  • The UNSC was helpless in March 2020 as China was the rotating president of the UNSC. Will UNSC now initiate an investigation? WIll China support this investigation?
  • Do we have to live with loss of our jobs, money, people we care for, all because someone wanted to have supreme control?
  • While the world is going under lockdown, how did China start production and start supplying in a matter of hours?
  • Why was the wet market cleansed of any traces without the WHO or UNSC having a chance to investigate?

There are many questions with few answers as of now, we need to see if the world leaders act in unison to get to the reason and control of COVID 19.

We humans need to understand that the control of major organisations should not be given to a single country or system.

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