Sunday, July 23, 2023


 FAKE Narrative

What the hell?

Anything, that your brain wants to believe but cannot conclude till supported by any form of data, without validating the authenticity of the information and because it aligns with the inner belief, a minuscule information with 0 credibility will be trusted.

Any unverified information can be FAKE. Today's social media reach and influence has triggered the wild fire of false narrative to reach out far and fast.

Usually accepted by the half informed minds and spread with seldom ill intention leads to misleading a group/crowd or a community.

Some of the recent ones that I could think off

1. Some men misbehaved and killed a lady from another community (Manipur - India)

2. Hindenburg investigating the Adani groups for shady transactions and then buying the stocks of Adani group to monetize the downfall (India, bull technique).

3. A oil rich country in middle east run by a dictator is making Weapons of Mass Destruction (Iraq)

4. A dedicated Indian scientist framed for treason and selling rocket and rocket engines making secrets to the arch enemies (India).

There are many more that are available but not able to list it here.

From the above list, some were tossed by the leaders of the country, some by the authorities and some by factual biasness.

Common point is that all of the fake news is carried and brought to you by media houses, or the social media.

Some of the most common and heavily used portals that spread the news are, FB, youtube, Instagram, media houses.

Why are these done?

Most of the times, these kind of fake narratives/news are master minded by someone who likes to create disturbance for personal gain, someone who is looking to gain more followers on social media platforms, someone who carries hatred due to mislead ideology.

Who are the targets?

Targets are everyone on the platform, student who is looking to get some information for his/her project, an IT professional who is looking for cheat codes to copy, a leader who is learning to acquire new skills on the platform.

Anyone who trusts people is an easy target.


Gains vary from popularity to followers to believers to supporters. 

Can it be controlled?

We are the generation that has controlled a virus in the last 2 years, we are the generation that is fighting the technology from snatching our jobs.

We all collective can control these fake information getting shared 

- by the innocent by educating the unknown.

- by not forwarding/sharing details that are not backed up facts. 

- by being responsible and do not let others decide as to what should we be thinking or doing.

Enjoy the social media, stay of touch but do not spread information that will harm. 

If any suspicious information comes your way, then report to and they will validate for you.

Other options available are like
